Jonathan Salsbury completes 2-Week Coast to Coast Trek for MAES Therapy & LOROS
[:en] We did it! After 2-Weeks of walking day after day, every day – we completed the 192 [...]
Jonathan Salsbury2024-07-29T11:58:11+01:00October 2nd, 2018|Categories: Events, Sponsors|
[:en] We did it! After 2-Weeks of walking day after day, every day – we completed the 192 [...]
Jonathan Salsbury2024-07-29T12:36:34+01:00May 23rd, 2018|Categories: Cerebral Palsy, easy dragons, Entertainment, MAES Therapy, Sponsors|
[:en] MANY THANKS to our fantastic friends and supporters - the ‘Easy Dragons’ raced at the 2018 ‘Vogalonga’ [...]
Jonathan Salsbury2024-07-29T12:33:25+01:00April 23rd, 2018|Categories: Cerebral Palsy, MAES Therapy, Sponsors|
[:en] Jazz was the inspiration for Portia’s debut in the London Marathon. Portia’s niece Jazz was born prematurely in September [...]
Jonathan Salsbury2024-07-29T12:44:25+01:00December 12th, 2017|Categories: Cerebral Palsy, Entertainment, MAES Therapy, Sponsors|
[:en] Wow! What a WONDERFUL WONDERFUL 'XMAES' Concert ! The singers and musicians were excellent and really got [...]
Jonathan Salsbury2024-07-29T11:44:29+01:00August 14th, 2014|Categories: Sponsors|
On 8 June, the Easy Dragons Rowing Team raced in the world-famous ‘Vogalonga’ in Venice (a long distance rowing [...]
Jonathan Salsbury2017-05-10T19:05:04+01:00May 1st, 2014|Categories: Sponsors|
Easy Dragons was founded in 2013 as a rowing team of Stanton Williams Architects in London. We race with a [...]