Symptoms Of Movement Disorders
This section is to help parents and professionals identify whether MAES Therapy can be of help, particularly in the early days when a formal medical diagnosis has not yet been possible to establish.
Below is a list of signs often associated with coordination problems:
MAES Therapy can be of help if your child presents with a combination of some of the following symptoms:-
Abrupt movement Disorder
Atypical gait / walking pattern
Balance problems
Clawing of the toes
Delay in development of communication
Delay in development of play
Depth perception
Difficulties with the coordination of eating and drinking
Fearful of moving
Fisted hand / Inability to relax fingers
Flaring ribs
Hyper extension of the knees
Hyper mobility of joints
Inability to more or be mobilised through a full range of movement
Involuntary movement
Lack of awareness of part(s) of the body
Lack of dexterity / difficulties with fine motor skills
Lack of spacial awareness
Milestones delayed e.g. unable to roll, crawl or sit
Mirror movements
Motor delay
Motor planning difficulties
Movements that remain in a two-dimensional plane
Nystagmus (‘shaking’ eyes)
Poor ability to isolate movement of the fingers
Poor alignment of body parts
Poor coordination
Poor head control
Poor midline orientation
Poorly articulated speech
Retained reflexes / early automatic responses typically seen in the very young infant
Scoliosis (deviation of the spine)
Sensory problems
Squint / Strabismus
Startled very easily
Tendency to push backwards
Toe walking
Tongue thrust
Unusually irritable baby
Visual problems
More formal names such as:
Acquired head injury
Agenesis of the corpus callosum
Brain lesion / brain malformation
Central Visual Impairment
Cerebral Palsy
Coordination problems resulting from complications of brain surgery
Coordination problems resulting from meningitis
Developmental delay
Erb’s palsy
Hemiplegia / Hemiparesis
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
Idiopathic toe walking
Intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH)
Metabolic condition resulting in coordination problems
Motor delay
Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL)
Preterm birth complications
Quadriplegia / Tetraplegia
Rett syndrome
Spasticity / Rigidity
The above lists give an idea of conditions we treat
These lists are by no means exhaustive
We treat a wide variety of conditions; but not all.
Therefore prior to an initial treatment session / consultation, we would ask parents to complete a Pre-Consultation Form which will help us to confirm whether your concerns are within our area of expertise.