Jazz was the inspiration for Portia’s debut in the London Marathon.
Portia’s niece Jazz was born prematurely in September 2016 at 28 weeks and after suffering a blood clot, was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.
Portia says:
“Jazz has had, to put it lightly, a tough start to life, but she has shown huge progress in the few months she’s been seeing the team at MAES, who not only provide therapy to Jazz, but information and ongoing support to everyone on her care.”
Not only was it the first time that Portia had run the London Marathon, it was also the first time she had done fundraising – and Wow! was she successful – raising many £ 000’s
The money raised will be used to train therapists in the UK as well as in developing countries, to increase the knowledge and clinical expertise and consequently help many more children with Cerebral Palsy and their families; and also help fund treatment sessions MAES offers to families.
MAES Therapy provides highly specialised treatment for babies and children with movement and coordination difficulties caused by a variety of conditions, including Cerebral Palsy.
Portia says:
“MAES is in its infancy in terms of being widely known about, funded or researched. When my sister and brother in-law accidentally came across it they were instantly fascinated with, and attracted to, its unique ethos and are desperate for more people to know about it and be able to get access to it.”
“It was a long hard run in this heat but so thrilled I got through it.
I’ve loved raising the money and am incredibly overwhelmed by the generosity of people donating to a cause so special to me.”
A really BIG THANK YOU ! to Portia
AND to all the people who so kindly and generously supported her efforts.
Thank you so much!