
CSP – Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Founded in 1894, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy has grown to become the profession’s largest membership organisation. Learn about our structure, partnerships and international activities.

The CSP is a member-led organisation governed by an elected Council. We provide a wide range of member services and campaign on behalf of all physiotherapy staff and the physiotherapy profession.

european academy of childhood disability

EACD – European Academy of Childhood Disability

The EACD is an academic association of professionals working with children with disability throughout Europe.

At present we have over 500 members who are paediatricians, neuropaediatricians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychologists, nurses, social workers and special-needs teachers.

Our aim is to ensure the development of high quality research and teaching in the field of childhood disability; improve the care these children receive; to raise professional standards throughout Europe.

Regulating health, psychological and social work professionals

HCPC – Health Care and Professionals Council

HCPC are a Health Care Professionals regulator and currently regulate the following professions: arts therapists, biomedical scientists, chiropodists / podiatrists, clinical scientists, dietitians, hearing aid dispensers, occupational therapists, operating department practitioners, orthoptists, paramedics, physiotherapists, practitioner psychologists, prosthetists / orthotists, radiographers, social workers in England and speech and language therapists.

All of these professions have at least one professional title that is protected by law, including those shown above. This means, for example, that anyone using the titles ‘physiotherapist’ or ‘dietician’ must be registered with us.

As an organisation, our aim is to make sure that we always provide the best quality of service for all our stakeholders. To help us achieve this aim our Quality System was set up. Our Quality Management System is registered with BSI to ISO 9001:2008.

Promoting Swimming for Disabled People using the Halliwick Concept

The Halliwick Association

For over half a century people with disabilities have been experiencing freedom in water learning through using the Halliwick Concept.
The development of this concept led to the formation of the Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy.

The Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy (Halliwick AST) is an organisation set up in 1952 by James & Phyl McMillan to develop the teaching of swimming to people with disabilities using the Halliwick Concept.



Physio First is the Organisation which represents Physiotherapists in private practice launched in 1952 to promote the highest standards of clinical physiotherapy practice.

Our Mission Statement is “To deliver professional and business support for members to enable us to develop more successfully as private practitioners”. This includes our desire to help the general public understand how physiotherapy can help them and to facilitate easy access to our highly skilled members.

APCP association of paediatric chartered physiotherapists

The Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists (APCP)

was founded in 1973 and today has a membership of approximately 2,200 paediatric physiotherapists from across the UK plus a growing number of overseas members.

ACPC Objectives:

  • to provide a forum to promote the exchange of ideas between those interested in paediatrics;
  • to promote best practice for those working with children and young people;
  • to promote and facilitate continuous professional development and educational opportunities in paediatric physiotherapy;
  • to encourage research and development in paediatric physiotherapy and related fields to enhance the evidence base of physiotherapy;
  • to develop and maintain links with other relevant organisations in the UK and overseas;
  • to represent paediatric physiotherapy on behalf of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy;
  • to promote the role and benefits of paediatric physiotherapy.
