How Can MAES Therapy Help My Child?
Q: Will you make my child practice exercises or activities that are part of ‘Typical Development’?
For example: Will you focus on making my child sit, then to stand, then to walk?
The way a child with neurodevelopmental conditions learns and develops is different from a child that has a brain where each part of the brain works and interacts well. A brain lesion interferes with brain function and can result in the brain being less able to work out how to approach or solve specific aspects of coordination.
We do not push or pressurise any child to practice what he can’t do or doesn’t do well.
Each activity, for example, walking, is a combination of a wide range of processes, all of which need to be performed well, in order for the overall task of walking to be well achieved.
Just practising will not help long-term progression
Just practicing the task of walking, without improving how the child is performing the underdeveloped processes, will not help long-term progression and would be very hard for the child.
So, at MAES Therapy we analyse and identify the components of the movement processes (coordination) that are weak or are too complicated for the child.
Focus on development
MAES Therapy creates activities to isolate and focus on developing the underdeveloped coordination processes and give the child opportunities to develop the skills necessary to perform the processes and therefore the overall task.
The way ‘Typical Development’ with it’s Milestones is shown in books, reflects the achievement of activities in the order of increasing difficulty from the perspective of a child that has no neurodevelopmental conditions.
Your child will receive customised treatment based upon his specific needs
So, for the reasons explained above, we do not impose the standard milestones of ‘Typical Development’ on your child.
MAES Therapy treats every child as an individual, thinking person (not as a ‘type’), recognising how and why his development is different and unique and creates treatment sessions based upon his specific needs and not those determined by the standard milestones of ‘Typical Development’
At MAES Therapy we always consider children as whole, capable and competent human beings, appreciating their challenges but finding ways to open the possibilities for different and better outcomes.