MAES Therapy Treatment Sessions
Our specialist MAES treatment sessions last about one hour and currently take place in London and also in Belgium.
During treatment sessions, motivated parents and carers learn about how to best handle and interact with their child to ensure treatment is most effective.
From our extensive experience, we see that the way a child moves is not only the result of his/her medical condition, but also the result of the experience of movement he/she has had so far.
Much more can be done than just ‘maintenance work’ and ‘managing’ symptoms such as poor balance, reduced core strength, hypotonia, …. hypertonia.
Our dynamic and creative approach provides individualised treatment strategies to address your specific concerns regarding improving your child’s coordination of fine motor and gross motor skills on a short and long-term basis.
We understand that each individual presentation of a movement disorder, ranging from mild motor delay to cerebral palsy, is different and needs an individual approach.
Early intervention is extremely important, but also consider that it’s never too late to start!
The Studio, 31 Devonshire Road, Mill Hill East, London NW7 1NE
To arrange an appointment contact us
Intensive Treatment Week
For those living overseas and in the UK outside London
The aim of this service is to provide a block of daily treatment for a number of families living in the same area.
The benefits for families coming together and arranging this are:
- easier access to specialist therapy;
- an opportunity for their local therapists to attend sessions for their clients for whom they would like particular guidance and help;
- convenience and less disruption for their family life.
A Timetable of fixed Treatment Appointments is pre-arranged for the week.
Criteria for Children for treatment
To make best use of our expertise and the opportunity created by such a Treatment Block, we would like to consider in priority:
- patients with Cerebral Palsy and similar neurological conditions.
- patients who will have their local therapist to be able to attend either the full 5 sessions the child will attend, or if that’s not possible, to attend at least the first and the last session during the week.
This is a combination of Treatment Fees plus and an equal share of Costs, which determines the final charge to the parents.
Costs are for: venue, travel/flights, accommodation, daily travel etc.
Although the cost per appointment session is therefore higher than just the Treatment Fee, parents are usually still paying significantly less than they would if they came to MAES Therapy in London for a week and they had to pay for flights/travel for themselves and often their family, plus accommodation and daily travel etc.
Of course this is also more convenient and less disruptive for their family life.
If interested in this service, please ask for details.
See: Skype Consultations
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