
’Made me motivated to try to be a better therapist’

Our grateful thanks to Local Organiser:  Audhill Sund, Physiotherapist – Spesialist i barne og ungdomsfysioterapi

and also to:   Ergoterapi- og fysioterapitjenesten Barne- og familieenheten, Bodø,

Venue:            Rønvik Familiescenter, Nordstrandveien 41, 8012  Bodø,  Norway

Course Leader:   Jean-Pierre Maes MCSP,  Director MAES Therapy

Specialist Course for Paediatric Therapists Treating Children with Cerebral Palsy

The 2-Day programme included live treatment demonstrations, theoretical lecture and video analysis.
 24 Paediatric Therapists (Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists) were very interested and pleased to learn about this pioneering approach to treatment.

Course Participants enjoyed Dinner together on Thursday evening

Comments from some participants after the course:

“An excellent course, with a very good teacher and with a a lot of practical demonstrations and opportunities to practice movement analysis and clinical reasoning. My warm recommendations”.

Rita Jonassen, Physiotherapist, Norway

“Interesting and inspiring, a great teacher and very understandable, Open to questions, open for discussion. Makes it easier to explain to others who treat our children. A more systematic and different way to analyse.  The MAES Framework  is a Great tool that can be used in different environments.”

Gyda Bjørgo Larsen, Norway

”Thank you for explaining your clinical reasoning and great examples. I can use this  directly in my practice.  Made me motivated to try to be a better therapist.”

Kiersti L.,  Norway

Takk skal du ha !
