MAES Introduction Course – in Telford was fully booked
Last weekend 30 experienced paediatric Therapists ( Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Speech & Language Therapists ) came together to learn about MAES Therapy – a new and deeper understanding of Children with Cerebral Palsy and similar neurodevelopmental conditions and principles to improve their coordination.
Therapists were very interested and pleased to learn about this pioneering approach to treatment, with positive questions and engagement throughout the 2-Day programme, which included theoretical lectures, video analysis and a live treatment demonstration.
Dates: Friday 9 & Saturday 10 February 2018
Many thanks to Helen King, Paediatric Physiotherapist, Shropshire – who helped to organise this successful course
We will be back in Telford for the full 4-Week MAES Course in May & June 2018 :-
MAES 4- Week Course – Telford, NW England
Part 1: 14 – 25 May 2018
Part 2: 11 – 22 June 2018
Venue: Meeting Point House, Southwater Square, Telford, Shropshire TF3 4HS
Feedback from Participants on this course:
MAES Introduction Course, Telford, NW England Feb. 2018
“I feel MAES is an excellent treatment approach, very logical and seemingly achievable.”
“Excellent course, which opens your mind to another way of thinking and treating CP”.
“The course more than met my expectations, as I thought it would just be a very light introduction, but have been given a real insight and an excellent update to my understanding of children with CP.”
“MAES Therapy has helped me to see children with CP in a different light. It has helped me to understand that our usual approaches are actually limiting and I’m not unlocking the great potential that many of our children have. “
“Sound reasoning given for why we need to handle and play in a certain way. Very helpful for improving understanding of different problems for dyskinetic, preterm and hemi groups. This introduction course gives principles and some strategies which can be put into practice. The full 4-Week Course would take you much further.”
“This course makes you think in a different way, makes you question yourself and what are are you are currently doing in your treatment sessions.”
“It helped me to understand the vital importance of observation and the importance of understanding the need for an individualised treatment plan for each child based upon their specific needs, rather than treating a ’type.”
“It has made me remember to focus on the parts of the brain that are missing; not to try and make the child conform to typical developmental milestones.”
“It’s completely changed the way I look at CP – with the focus on the brain being the problem, not reducing spasticity/preventing asymmetries.”
“I feel more confident to go away and challenge my approach to handling and to now be more hands-on and less prescriptive with exercises for treatment of symptoms, focussing instead on the real reasons.”
“Less focus on symptoms as a starting point. Symptoms are a result of increased complexity of task – this made so much sense to me and helps with my understanding. The MAES Approach is very logical and clearly the most effective approach for children with CP.”
“I enjoyed Jean-Pierre’s teaching technique. Very knowledgeable and giving good analogies. Very good videos and live demonstration, seeing principles and techniques applied to different specific conditions of CP.”
“It has been useful to recognise how the symptoms are a result of too complex a task. The MAES Framework helps to structure thinking and observations, not only with children with CP but with other conditions too.”
“It has made me more aware about complexity of the task in relation to the skills we’re trying to develop. I need to be more conscious of the task I in select in my treatment sessions.”
“I enjoyed all of the MAES Introduction Course and have found it exceptionally useful. I feel the MAES Framework offers a useful approach to my future treatments. I found the practical videos and practical treatment session the most valuable, seeing how it is put into practice.”
“MAES is revolutionary and will turn current therapy treatment approaches upside down, for the better! It makes so much sense!”
‘MAES is a completely different way of thinking to Bobath’