Maes Course Croatia 2014 Jean-Pierre Maes MCSP, led the first and highly successful MAES THERAPY Course in Zagreb, Croatia in January and April this year.

Some comments from Course Participants:

“ I would recommend the MAES Therapy approach to all therapists. MAES Therapy is very different and interesting – allowing the child time, space and opportunity to reorganise their way of learning. It is communicating with our hands and allowing the child time to understand and learn a new range of movement and function.

When you analyse and diagnose so well, you can move to treatment more effectively and gain results more quickly. Supported with sound theory, this is an approach I can use practically.”

Mihaela Grubišić  – Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist
Head of Department Sensory Integration Therapy,
Special Hospital for Children with neurodevelopmental and motor disorders, Zagreb


” It’s amazing to see how Jean-Pierre works with children. He gives them exactly what they need. My work will change, because I’ll now be more creative and not ‘treat’ all children in the same way.

Many thanks, I spent 4 weeks with you and you have given me the skills. I have learnt a lot, but this is not the end, this is a beginning of my learning. “

Marta Božič, Physiotherapist


Maes Course Croatia 2014 ” I learned more about the ‘hands-on’ approach. I now better understand children with CP and the ‘educational strategies’ were very detailed and I think will be helpful in the future.

I learned this new perspective and different way of thinking about children with CP. I learned the importance of asymmetry and movement of the whole body in treatment, not just positioning in symmetry like before.”

Iva Bekić, Occupational Therapist


“As a young therapist, this course has inspired me a lot, it has changed the way I approach the patient, the way I analyse and this has affected my work in a very positive way.

MAES Therapy gives you the ‘tools’ to work with children with Cerebral Palsy and if you use it well, there are no limitations in your treatment. The knowledge I gained during the course changed the way I look at the child; I am now able to notice things I have not been aware of before and therefore my approach to every child is different and adjusted to each child’s particular needs. The result of this approach is much better therapy with much better progress and in the end that is my goal – to help my patients and make progress that can be seen in their everyday life.

I am enthusiastic about new treatment ideas and how it reflects on my patients, so thank you Jean-Pierre Maes for being such a good teacher with the ability to pass your extraordinary knowledge to us! ”

Lucija Damjanovic, Physiotherapist
Zagreb, Croatia
