MAES  4-Week Foundation Course –
Feedback from Course Participants Worldwide:

[:en]MAES Therapy is a pioneering approach: MAES Course - Guildford, UK 2016[:]

[:en]“The MAES Course is a MUST DO course!

MAES Therapy is a pioneering approach and a unique way of looking at CP; it’s changed how I think about intervention and given me a clear understanding about what my priorities are in treatment.

I have enjoyed all aspects of this course and the workshops and particularly the discussion afterwards were really useful helping to put theory into place. I also loved the use of videos which for me really helped to cement things.

The MAES Therapy Framework is good to explain to parents what you are working for and why. The framework helps develop skills that are missing –  it’s a way to break down and work on components required to improve quality of movement.”

“The MAES Course has made me look more holistically at CP and not just focusing on motor aspect. It has particularly made me more aware of sensory components, especially in the preterm and how processing and movement also closely linked. CP is complex and every child is so unique –  there is no set recipe.

 CP is complex and all aspects have to be addressed. Its dynamic and changing.

Thank you JP!”

Michelle Huggins

NDT-Bobath Physiotherapist

Guildford,  UK   2016[:]

[:en]I am very excited to continue working with children with CP following this course :MAES Course - Guildford, UK 2016[:]

[:en]“My understanding and approach to children with CP has changed for the better.

Rather than seeing specific problems with, for example, muscles, movements, ‘spasticity’,  I now have a better understanding of these as ‘symptoms’ and that therapy focus needs to be on the fact that the brain is the problem and therefore understanding how this affects the child and their movements is essential.

I enjoyed the small group and I enjoyed the video analyses as it gave more examples then we could have had from just our practical sessions and workshops and they also illustrated MAES Therapy  in action and how to progress.

The MAES Therapy Framework  makes sense to me in my new understanding of CP and with the child’s brain as the ‘conductor’.

I will be able to use this specifically for each of the children I see, to plot what skills they are missing and what they are over using and therefore plan my treatment accordingly. It also helps you to understand that the complexity of the task is a very important consideration and to think about motivation for the child to be successful in my therapy.

I would highly recommend this course to all of my colleagues, including OTs.

This course will be a complete turn around point in any therapist’s career, whether they are very experienced or more recently starting to work with children with CP. It makes you think and understand CP from the brain rather than looking at symptoms of only and as a therapist you’ll be up to progress your Childs potential more.

You will also understand the importance of play and using toys as part of your therapy.

It is amazing how much you can learn and change as a therapist in four weeks!

I am very excited to continue working with children with CP following this course.”

Michelle Jordan MCSP


Surrey, UK    2016[:]

[:en]Absolutely worth doing this MAES Course! MAES Course - Guildford, UK 2016[:]

[:en]“Absolutely worth doing this MAES Course!  Don’t bring any preconceptions with you. It enables you to have a completely new or different look at the difficulties that the children have and because of this it opens up a new way of moving forward with treating. It also enables the therapist to stop looking only at movement and what to do –  there are often the ‘other’ more pressing issues that either need to be addressed first or at the same time.

It’s about the difficulty the brain has to coordinate movement and not the muscles and joints to start with.”

Patsy Beck MCSP,

Paediatric Neuro-developmental Physiotherapist

London, UK   2016[:]

[:en]The four weeks has inspired me: MAES Course, Guildford UK 2016[:]

[:en]“The MAES Course has made me look at cerebral palsy in a very different way. It will make me stop, look and analyse movement, rather than just treat what I see or just the visible symptoms. It makes you look at it from the perspective of the child.

I enjoyed working with different therapists in the practical sessions. Watching the workshops gave a chance to stop, think and analyse in a different way. They helped bring things together. The video analyses were really useful and helpful to see the beneficial impact of MAES Therapy  over a period of sessions.

I was looking for a course to further develop my skills in paediatric therapy and the MAES Course  was suggested by a friend and colleague. I am pleased they encouraged me, as I feel like the four weeks has inspired me. It isn’t easy, a very intense, full-on four weeks, but definitely worth it, giving a new depth to understanding cerebral palsy. It has made me look at children with CP in a different way. I’m looking forward to taking what I have learnt further.  Thank you JP!

Sophie Brazier MCSP


London, UK   2016[:]

[:en]My understanding of CP has increased hugely: MAES Course - Guildford, UK 2016[:]

[:en]“I had thought that MAES would complement my NDT-Bobath  and other training, but it has in fact turned everything on its head. I feel that’s my understanding of CP has increased hugely and I will be changing the way I treat my patients.

This pioneering course has totally changed my approach to cerebral palsy, particularly pre-term and dyskinetic.  The importance of looking at behaviour/ regulation was really eye opening. I would now incorporate MAES Therapy into my treatment sessions.

This is a very challenging course for those of us with years of experience; participants need to go back to the starting point of treatment of children with CP.

However, this course is also extremely insightful and has given me a completely new way to assess and treat children with CP etc., which should provide a far better prognosis for the children I treat.”  Thank you!

Pam Minton MCSP

NDT-Bobath Advanced Paediatric Physiotherapist

Dorset,  UK    2016[:]

[:en]Parents saw a difference and wanted to be involved: MAES Course - Guildford, UK 2016[:]

[:en]“The MAES Course has completely changed my approach to cerebral palsy. I feel I have a better understanding of CP. The explanation of the approach and the use of the analogies was clear and from my experience of CP ‘looking for spasticity’ and it not being there –  this approach makes sense. I will now be more equipped at treating the whole child and identifying their priorities and now I understand much more about all the factors that contribute to the movement we see and to look further than that. I am a very different therapist and hope to build on this.

This course has changed how I understand CP, the impact of play and how to use it to complement what I do and how to use my hands to provide an environment in which a child can develop new skills and opportunities to move

MAES enables you to identify the problem and priority for the child in a holistic way, rather than looking at the physical manifestation you see as the problem.

We saw real differences with children during the course and parents reported a difference at home in transfers and head control. The parents who are at the beginning of the week reported that they only position to their child and equipment and didn’t do ‘therapy’, on day three asked to be shown how they could put this into practice. They saw a difference and wanted to be involved.

The MAES Course  is THE  course to do.  I really look forward to continuing to develop my skills and share this approach to help therapists provide opportunities for children to learn new skills and reach a higher potential.”

Helen King MCSP

Paediatric Physiotherapist.

Somerset, UK   2016[:]

[:en]I would strongly recommend the MAES Course : MAES Course - Guildford, UK 2016[:]

[:en]“The MAES Course has totally changed my approach to Cerebral Palsy. I can now see so many elements that I was not connecting with the physical presentation. I will consider these sensory and behavioral and visual systems with far more significance.

I enjoyed having the time to think about CP and to learn to look at CP in a different way. I gained a deeper understanding of treatment strategies in the practical sessions and discussions about the different types of CP during weeks 3 & 4.

The MAES Therapy Framework gives me a way to think about the skills be child has in relation to the tasks (or what I’m asking of the child) in a visual way. This helps me analyse my priorities in treatment strategies. I think it will be a be a useful tool in helping parents understand these priorities.

The MAES Course  leads you to an understanding of the complexity of cerebral palsy and the many facets that influence the physical presentation of the child.

I would strongly recommend the MAES Course  to all physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Speech and language therapists and paediatricians, who are working with children who has cerebral palsy or similar neuro-developmental conditions.”

Viv Allen MCSP

Paediatric  NDT-Bobath Physiotherapist,

Specialist Advisor Neuro-disability

Guildford, UK    2016[:]

[:en]I could be more effective than ever in my approach to children with CP: MAES Course - Guildford, UK 2016[:]

[:en]“I feel I have a much deeper understanding of CP and for the first time I’m able to have a sense of understanding for the drivers of behavioral and motor strategies involved.

Good balance between practical and theory. I liked being able to learn and apply my new knowledge with good feedback. In particular, the video and analysis was a great tool.

The course reintroduced CP in a very methodical, logical and comprehensive way. This helps me understand the manifestations of CP in a much more profound way. The application of the theory in practice became a logical way and gave me the feeling that I could be more effective than ever in my approach to children with CP.”

Ben Zammit

Paediatric Physiotherapist,

Australia   2016[:]

[:en]Thank you for an amazing 4 Weeks: MAES Course - Guildford, UK 2016[:]

[:en]“MAES Therapy is an approach which is highly beneficial to CP children and their future potential.  JP Thank you for an amazing 4 Weeks. It has been very inspiring, educational and you have opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities.  Many thanks”

Caroline Fitzjohn MCSP,  Specialist Paediatric Physiotherapist

Suffolk, UK    2016[:]

[:en]I had quite a few ‘penny-dropping’ moments:- MAES Course - Guildford, UK 2016[:]

[:en]“The MAES Course has completely changed how I understand the different difficulties of CP. It has explained the aspects that could not be explained by other concepts before. It has filled in the ‘gaps’.

“Sometimes in life, you learn some new things that adds to your knowledge and skills and makes you a better therapist. I have known Jean-Pierre for a long time and this is what I expected to gain from the MAES Therapy Course. Up until Week 4 of the course, I thought it would be very useful to use elements of it as part of my current treatment approach.  However, during the last week, I had quite a few ‘penny-dropping’  moments which was a pivotal moment in my career.

I now realise that there is a completely different way of looking at approaching children with CP. One which allows you to take each individual child further in their abilities than any other approach I’m familiar with.

It has given me a new perspective on what ‘holistic treatment’ means. Holistic now means that you look at CP from the child’s brain’s perspective and how the brain coordinates the child’s movement, vision, sensory processing, cognition, play etc.

Treatment therefore has to address all of these aspects as a whole instead of treating different aspects in isolation as a PT, 0T or SLT.

This is a course for all three professions and all three will come away with completely new skills and perception of CP. You will finish the course as a ‘Brain Therapist’ !

It is unbelievable that one can change so much in four weeks!

Thank you JP for pioneering this approach, so that we can have a bigger impact on children with CP.

Anel van der Merwe, MCSP

Clinical Specialist Paediatric Physiotherapist

NDT-Bobath Therapist

Surrey, UK   2016[:]

[:en]Don’t think about symmetry and stability : MAES Course - Guildford, UK 2016[:]

[:en]“It has made me better understand the complexity of cerebral palsy and the impact on many more areas of the child’s skills then I was previously aware of. With CP the problem is with the ‘conductor’ (brain).

The course really makes you appreciate the need for revisiting analysing and video analysis. When working with children with CP, don’t think about symmetry and stability!

It has been an immense learning curve with a journey still ahead to look forward to.”

Tina Coombes

Clinical Specialist in Paediatric Physiotherapy

Surrey, UK    2016[:]

[:en]I feel Lucky that I have been part of this course :- MAES Course - Budapest 2016[:]

[:en]‘Because each child is different, it is very important to have the tools to assess them individually. The MAES Therapy Framework makes it easy to understand  the child’s lack of skills and how to develop them, compared to traditional therapy when you just see consequences.

I would say to other therapists –  just feel free to join and let yourself learn more. You will find yourself different, professionally and personally – in a good way. I feel Lucky that I have been part of this course and now beginning a new era for me and my treatment of children with Cerebral Palsy.

Thanks for making me a better therapist and parents and children in Italy will be thankful for that as well !

Jona Cavolli

Paediatric Physiotherapist

Italy  2016[:]

[:en]Jean-Pierre is an excellent, very professional teacher: MAES Course - Budapest 2016[:]

[:en]‘Jean-Pierre is an excellent, very professional teacher.

The MAES Therapy Framework helped to understand how task analysis and quality of movement relates to skills required and in this way, develop individualized treatment strategies.’

Apostolos Arampatzis

Senior Paediatric Physiotherapist

Thessaloniki, Greece  2016[:]

[:en]I think that MAES Therapy is fascinating:- MAES Course - Budapest 2016[:]

[:en]‘I think that MAES Therapy  is fascinating. It helps me see Cerebral Palsy with different eyes than before. I totally recommend this course for all physiotherapist that are working with children.

I found very useful that sensory problems and symptoms/problems  of CP merged together in my head and now I can understand them as a whole.

The MAES Therapy Framework  is really interesting. It will help and assist me in my future treatment; I really like it and from now on I cannot work as I used to.’

Georgios Dimitriou


Thessaloniki, Greece  2016[:]

[:en]MAES helped me to also see how to treat adults in a different way:- MAES Course - Budapest 2016[:]

[:en]‘The MAES Course  was really helpful with the assessment of CP. It simplified many things about these difficult neurological conditions  and helps me with my assessment and approach.

The MAES Therapy Approach to children with CP  helped me to also see how to treat adults in a different way.’

Aggeliki Akrivou

Senior Physiotherapist

Greece  2016[:]

[:en]Don’t stick to what you are used to do :- MAES Course - Budapest 2016[:]

[:en]‘Don’t stick to what you are used to do, previous success must not prevent you from seeing and learning more. A high expectation course for therapists with much experience or not.


The MAES Therapy Framework helps you to organise; first of all, yourself  and your mind and then your therapy. At the beginning it is difficult to start using, not because the framework is difficult, but because you as a therapist don’t want to accept that you didn’t go so deep before. So after Week 3, when you are ‘in’  to the new approach and understanding the different pathologies of the child, you can put it in action.

It was a successful course for me to take.’

Konstantinos Chandolias

Senior Paediatric Physiotherapist  NDT-Bobath

Greece  2016[:]

[:en]MAES has helped me in a deeper understanding of CP : MAES Course - Budapest 2016[:]

[:en]‘The MAES Course has helped me in a deeper understanding of Cerebral Palsy, especially concerning the premature babies.

The MAES Therapy Framework is the most useful framework I have studied so far.  It has shown me in great depth how we as therapists actually can make a child become what we believe that child can be when he/she grows up.’

Chrysoula Moscholouri

Senior Paediatric Physiotherapist NDT-Bobath

Greece  2016[:]

[:en]MAES opened up a new way of thinking to progress my treatment:- MAES Course - Budapest 2016[:]

[:en]‘The MAES Course has given me a different view and opened up a new way of thinking to progress my treatment; also a new way to see ‘tone’ and ‘spasticity’ that makes more sense to me now.

I’m very excited about having done this course and I look forward to using the MAES Therapy Approach. Coming from a Bobath perspective, the first two weeks were challenging, as you really needed to leave the old thinking behind, but the way of looking from the MAES Therapy point of view really makes sense to me.

 The second part of the course is very good to put it all together and to practice and this will really bring you on in your assessment and treatment skills. It is a very practical course and your treatment skills and way of analysing will improve a lot, which will help you bring on your patients/children in a better way.

 I highly recommend this course for therapists working with children that have neurological problems.

Thanks for a great four weeks.’

Annette Johansson

Senior  Paediatric Physiotherapist, Bobath-NDT Therapist

Ireland  2016[:]

[:en]It was amazing to see how the child made changes using MAES Therapy:- MAES Course - Budapest 2016[:]

[:en]‘It was amazing to see how the child made changes using MAES Therapy. I always asked myself the question ‘How can Jean-Pierre so easily, logically and simply do all this treatment with the child?’ This is amazing!

MAES Therapy  is a completely new approach to see children with CP in another way, that takes into account all aspects of the child; cognitive, motor, sensory, helping to develop a very individual approach for each child, not just a general approach.

MAES Therapy showed me that we should work not only on muscles but also to become a ‘brain therapist’

 I am very glad that I had the possibility to take this course and discover totally new useful information and skills, that I look forward to use with my patients in Ukraine!’

Iryna I. Klym


Mukacheve District, Ukraine  2016[:]

[:en]I will now see and treat more complex CP children than before: - MAES Course - Budapest 201[:]

[:en]‘I now understand Cerebral Palsy better and can see the child in another way. The MAES Therapy Framework helps to see and treat every child individually. I will now see and treat more complex CP children than before.’

Sára Stickl


Budapest, Hungary  2016[:]

[:en]I recommend the MAES Course to my colleagues who are open-minded: - MAES Course - Budapest 2016[:]

[:en]‘I liked very much the content of the MAES Course and also the structure. I enjoyed gaining a holistic vision and deeper understanding and how to develop skills of the child with Cerebral Palsy. Also, how our own skills can be developed.  Using the MAES Therapy Framework  helps you to understand why the child moves as he does and the ‘invisible’ part  that is influencing the movement and how to focus treatment.

I recommend this course to my colleagues who are open-minded and prepared to work differently for the benefit of the child and also for the ones who have a more rigid way of working and are ready to change.’

Piroska Bacsó


Budapest, Hungary  2016[:]

[:en]MAES is a completely new way of thinking compared to other approaches - MAES Course - Budapest 2016[:]

[:en]‘The MAES Course gave me a deeper understanding of CP and because of this I think I am a better therapist now, because I can see not only the visible part of CP, but the invisible also and this is more important.

I can now see the important little details, which before the course I had no idea. Now I can treat the children more individually.

This course opened my eyes and how much I misunderstood a lot of things in the past relating to CP.  I feel now that my treatments will be more effective because I understand more what is behind the stereotypes.

It is a completely new way of thinking compared to other approaches.’

Zsuzsanna Müller-Kojer


Budapest, Hungary  2016[:]

[:en]MAES helps me to see the real problem behind the physical presentation of what you see - MAES Course - Budapest 2016[:]

[:en]‘The MAES Course was great;  I cannot wait to use it on my own practice. It helps me to see the real problem behind the physical presentation of what you see. Before the course I thought that I knew the problems well, but the course has helped me understand CP much better.

The course leader Jean-Pierre Maes  is a great specialist and an expert teacher.

I can recommend this course to everyone who wants to be a better specialist in treating CP and similar neuro-developmental conditions.’

Csenge Angeli

Budapest, Hungary  2016[:]

[:en]I can’t wait to try my new knowledge and skills in practice - MAES Course - Budapest 2016[:]

[:en]This MAES Course was a really good experience for me.  It totally changed my physiotherapy viewpoint and I can see children in a more complex way. It was not easy for me to change my viewpoint about Cerebral Palsy and therapy. However, it was the best thing that could happen for me.  MAES Therapy gave us a new framework in which we can develop children much more then before and not only that, it gave me the possibility to develop also. I can’t wait to try my new knowledge and skills in practice.’

Ágnes Benkó


Budapest, Hungary  2016[:]

[:en]MAES Therapy helps you move on from your treatment ‘ plateau’ and keep progressing- MAES Course - Budapest 2016[:]

[:en]‘Before the start of the MAES Course,  I thought it would be like any other paediatric course, working on movements to ‘correct’ or ‘normalise’ some issues of the affected individual; but from the whole journey through the course,  I now understand Cerebral Palsy and neuro-developmental conditions much better than I did from any of the books or concepts of the past.

I highly recommend other colleagues ( PT, OT, SLT ) to take this MAES Course as we know that we are stuck somewhere during the progress of a child with neurological difficulties. They get better with our usual treatments, but then it ‘plateaus’ after a stage.  MAES Therapy  and the Framework helps you move on from this plateau and keep progressing. In the end it’s the ‘solutions’ which the child learns to do for the ‘problems’ that matters the most.

The MAES Course is AMAZING !’

Joshua Samuel Rajkumar  MPT ( Neurology)

Consultant Physiotherapist,  Manager – Research & Development

India  2016[:]

It makes changes where previously I thought you could not make changes: MAES Therapy Course - Johannesburg 2015

The MAES Therapy Course has completely changed my understanding of CP for the better. It has given me a perspective that not only makes sense but makes changes where previously I thought you could not make changes.

I enjoyed all the Practical Sessions with a variety of children to practise the skills we have learnt. The Workshops were very helpful to talk through and watch options available for treatment and also helpful was understanding what was lacking or overused by the child and what we were working on.

The MAES Therapy Framework allows for a very specific, individualised approach to therapy.
It does not rely on normal development and that has helped my understanding on how to focus treatment for each child without focussing on traditional milestone achievements.

It has been a very positive step forward for me in therapy and also in life!

Learning how to successfully do a task analysis was a highlight. Understanding skills and tasks, with reference to the MAES Therapy Framework has given me a much clearer understanding about what I am trying to achieve and why.

MAES Therapy has given me a completely new outlook and approach. My analysis skills have grown exponentially, with further growth to come I am sure !

Each child has individual needs, skills and limitations and therefore needs a very individual approach – MAES Therapy has enabled me to see that and to start to apply it, with gaining skills as the key for each child !”

Anita Hains, Physiotherapist
South Africa

Definitely the way forward in therapy: MAES Therapy Course - Johannesburg 2015

“The MAES Therapy Course is very intense, jam-packed, extremely rewarding and I really thoroughly enjoyed it.

Definitely the way forward in therapy and I can’t wait to develop my MAES Therapy skills, so that I can help my children (patients) to reach a new level of potential.

Thank you JP for shining your light, so that my light can shine brighter ! “

Keri-Anne Hacker, Physiotherapist
Bobath-NDT Therapist
South Africa 2015

I now know that I was previously just looking at symptoms and treating symptomatically: MAES Therapy Course - Johannesburg 2015

“The course has challenged the way in which I think about neuro-developmental problems in children. The MAES Approach makes a lot of sense to me.

I like the fact that the first two weeks are more general and the focus is on task analysis and understanding; and the break in between the two parts of the course helps to consolidate that information. Then the last two weeks puts the first two weeks together to get to treatment.

I no longer look at things like tone and patterns to classify and put into groups. I now know that I was previously just looking at symptoms and treating symptomatically. This course has helped me to get to the root of the problem.

The MAES framework helps you to separate signs/symptoms from core problems. When you know what the skills are that the child is missing and the ones that are being overused, you can see where you want to go with treatment.

I think MAES Therapy is beneficial for all – PT, OT and SLT, as it provides a new way to see and analyse our patients. It looks at the whole child and doesn’t separate upper limbs, lower limbs etc., which I believe is the correct way to view our patients.”

Roxane Jason, Physiotherapist
South Africa

I see no other way, at present, that offers the child with CP a better opportunity to develop: MAES Therapy Course - Johannesburg 2015

“The MAES Therapy Course hugely influenced my understanding and approach to Cerebral Palsy; a complete turnaround to that which I have learnt in the past.  I am better at understanding this approach and am also getting to applying the principals into practice.

This approach is more holistic in understanding the whole child and how they are finding solutions. Due to their injury they have learnt to find a solution by developing skills that are overused or underdeveloped.

In the MAES Therapy Approach the long term outcome of the child is not limited but rather free for greater possibilities.
The course is not easy, but it is well worth learning this approach earlier, rather than later in your career.

I see no other way, at present, that offers the child with CP a better opportunity to develop. The theory of MAES Therapy is strongly backed up with many practical treatment sessions that prove that this approach does work.”

Gillian Shead, Physiotherapist
NDT-Bobath Therapist
South Africa 2015

The course was excellent: MAES Therapy Course - Johannesburg 2015

“The course was excellent.
I will go back home and I will be able to understand all my neuro patients better and I will plan my treatment sessions more effectively.

The MAES Therapy Approach and Framework helps you to analyse movement disorders in terms of skills and tasks and to effectively combine motor, sensory and cognition during therapy sessions.”

Beth Campos,
Speech & Language Therapist
Bobath Tutor

It’s a great course for OTs: MAES Therapy Course - Johannesburg 2015

“The MAES Therapy Framework makes sense. As an OT I have had to analyse tasks according to their complexity, however I didn’t think to apply this to CP. I like that each child is treated individualistically and not according to ‘diagnosis’ and that MAES Therapy provides guiding principles.
It’s a great course for OTs as it incorporates sensory, play, cognition and communication in the treatment of CP,  i.e. it’s truly holistic.”

Nadia Cusack, Occupational Therapist
South Africa 2015

It goes deeper than just what the child does; instead, it teaches why the child does what he does: MAES Therapy Course - Johannesburg 2015

“The MAES Therapy ‘Framework’ gives a very valuable perspective on evaluation of treatment. It equips therapists with tools to explain treatment to parents, therapists and how to progress in treatment.

This course will change the way you look at all neurological patients. It goes deeper than just what the child does; instead, it teaches why the child does what he does.
The course teaches how to help the child access new ways to use the brain and to change this through the use of his body.
This is a course for anyone working in neurology, especially paediatrics.
Life changing.

Anke de Bruno-Austin, Physiotherapist
Bobath Therapist
South Africa 2015

It is very useful and includes OT more than any other course I have ever attended: MAES Therapy Course - Johannesburg 2015

“I was hoping to learn new strategies and it has given me that and more!
It has helped me to understand the ‘things’ I saw and had no explanation for.
It fits extremely well in my way of thinking.
The MAES Therapy Approach and Framework is amazing and definitely how I will work in the future with all my patients. I think it makes our treatment much more specific and long lasting!

I really think that it is very useful and includes OT more than any other course I have ever attended.
MAES Therapy is very holistic and as an OT I will be able to integrate everything.”

Marli Smit, Occupational Therapist
South Africa

Essential to move on as a paediatric therapist: MAES Therapy Course - Johannesburg 2015

“I highly recommend this MAES Therapy course, which is essential to move on as a paediatric therapist.
It brings every facet of therapy together!

Solange Brizido, Physiotherapist
South Africa

This course has pulled all aspects of a child’s development together: MAES Therapy Course - Johannesburg 2015

“I am grateful to have been part of this course that has pulled all aspects of a child’s development together, in terms of sensory, emotional, cognitive, behavioural and motor. It is about time that we as therapists are meaningfully child centered in our approach to treatment.”

Jacqui Couper, Occupational Therapist
NDT-Bobath Therapist
South Africa 2015

The course was excellent and I would highly recommend it to any therapist who is committed to developing their practice to the highest level: MAES Therapy Course - Dubai 2015

“The course was excellent and I would highly recommend it to any therapist who is committed to developing their practice to the highest level.

I am Bobath trained and was looking for a course to ‘fill in the gaps’ for me and enable me to better treat the most complex children on my caseload, the course did this brilliantly whilst focusing on the child in the most holistic way. It has helped me to improve my analysis skills so that I am better able to focus on the key area’s to treat with each child, rather than focusing on the outcome of their problem.

The teaching was superb and designed so that each member of the group was able to build knowledge gradually and logically to a high level. The practical sessions allowed us to make sure we putting the theory into practice with good supervision and help.
I am looking forward to getting back to work and putting it all into practice”

Rebecca Davis, Physiotherapist, Bobath Therapist
London, UK

Such a unique and amazing course: MAES Therapy Course - Dubai 2015

” This is the first time I have attended such a unique and amazing course, which really allows therapists to do deep analysis of the movement coordination in children with Cerebral Palsy.

The course improves observation, analysis and handling skills of therapists and leads to a better understanding of movement.

I highly recommended this course for all pediatrics therapists, it really changes your thoughts, how to deal with difficult behaviours, how to use toys effectively and as motivation and improve your problem solving and handling.

I have started to apply MAES Therapy Approach on my patients, the improvement was great and a mother of one of them says her child already feels different after MAES Therapy sessions.

The course content was great and helpful for each participant to develop their own skills.

Thanks Jean-Pierre MAES for starting to change thinking about children with Cerebral Palsy and your guidance during the course was great.”

Moqfa AlHarthey Senior Physiotherapist
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

I can now achieve in one session what took me months to achieve prior to the course: MAES Therapy Course - Dubai 2015

“This course exceeded my expectations. I feel I have developed more confidence in taking time to analyse children with movement disorders. My handling skills and treatment approach have greatly progressed, with a more ‘individualised’ context.

I found that the opportunity to put theory into practice during the course and having the Course Leader problem-solve and treat alongside me was incredibly helpful.

The course is intense and well supervised, which allows you to develop and take your skills of assessment and treatment to a higher level; a level that is not offered in other courses I have undertaken.

I can now achieve in one session what took me months to achieve prior to the course.”

Rachel MacLoughlin, Senior Physiotherapist, Bobath Therapist
Dubai, UAE

a much better and more effective approach to the therapy session: MAES Therapy Course - Dubai 2015

“I can now understand how and why each type of Cerebral Palsy coordinates their movements; when the child looks typical or atypical and how to evaluate the small changes. This leads to a much better and more effective approach to the therapy session.
I found how to engage and play with each patient as an individual, was very useful.

The period between Part 1 and Part 2 of the course was very good, because if it were all together in 4 weeks it would be very hard. As it was, the weeks between Part 1 and Part 2 allowed me to try what I had learnt in the first two weeks and then to come back, check my understanding and gain more new knowledge and skills during the second two weeks.”

Maryam AlSalman, Physiotherapist
Dubai, UAE

It was a great,stimulating and fun learning experience: MAES Therapy Course - Dubai 2015

“This course has really positively influenced my understanding and approach to Cerebral Palsy.
I now carefully analyse the child’s movements and search for underlying problems and more importantly, possible solutions. I target to increase specific response, to work to help the child learn new ways.

This course was not so much focusing on providing ‘knowledge’, as we spent so much time problem-solving and critical thinking. But, towards the end, we were overwhelmed with how much knowledge we had gained.

It was a great stimulating and fun learning experience. I strongly recommend it !Jean-Pierre is a great teacher!”

Wanassanun Aroonchote, Senior Physiotherapist, Bobath Therapist
Bangkok, Thailand

The level of analysis, discussion and development of practical skills is unparalleled: MAES Therapy Course - Dubai 2015

“I would highly recommend this course to any therapist looking to develop their treatment skills for children with Cerebral Palsy.
The course seems costly in comparison to some other courses, but the level of analysis, discussion and development of practical skills, is in my experience, unparalleled.

There is excellent use of video analysis, which allowed for really in-depth analysis, which I am now more confident in doing after the course. Information is very full and detailed, but I felt that the combination of video analysis, the practical sessions, workshops and discussions, allowed time to process it.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of this course and would encourage Physiotherapists, or indeed any Therapists working in the area of Cerebral Palsy, to invest in this course. “

Caroline Power, Physiotherapist
Dubai, UAE

A new depth to my understanding: MAES Therapy Course - Croatia 2014

“As a paediatric physiotherapist who specialises in working with children with movement and coordination I am always focused on seeking out appropriate courses to further my professional development. Having completed Bobath Basic and Advanced Courses, I have been looking for my “next step”.

The MAES Therapy Course has given me a new depth to my understanding of children with cerebral palsy. I am able to distinguish clearly between how each child presents, enabling me to adapt my therapeutic handling to specifically treat each child I see.

The course gave me a valuable opportunity to train alongside paediatricians, physiotherapists and occupational therapists in order to achieve a common goal, a holistic approach for individual children.

The course was held Zagreb, the charming capital city of Croatia. Historically courses I have attended have been in the UK, but travelling to Zagreb to study for 4 weeks was essentially no different from travelling to London. The flight was quicker than the M1 southbound and the accommodation cheaper. From a personal point of view being away from home meant no distractions from my studies and a wonderful opportunity to discover a new city.”

Nikki Kennedy, Physiotherapist, Bobath Therapist
London, UK

Because of the practical sessions, videos and the good examples given by the Course Leader Jean-Pierre. I have a different view now: MAES Therapy Course - Croatia 2014

“The course has given me a clear understanding of clients with Cerebral Palsy, because of the practical sessions, videos and the good examples given by the Course Leader Jean-Pierre. I have a different view now, I understand how important it is, the analysis of the child and I will try to apply the approach in this way.

In Romania we don’t have many opportunities to go on courses specialised for this kind of children, so it was a unique and great opportunity to be part of it. Makes me realise how important it is to think and analyse and that every single child is unique and that I have to treat each child differently, as appropriate. The individual needs of every single child are very important. “

Salamon Kinga, Physiotherapist

I learned the importance of asymmetry and movement of the whole body in treatment: MAES Therapy Course - Croatia 2014

” I learned more about the ‘hands-on’ approach. I now better understand children with CP and the ‘educational strategies’ were very detailed and I think will be helpful in the future.

I learned this new perspective and different way of thinking about children with CP. I learned the importance of asymmetry and movement of the whole body in treatment, not just positioning in symmetry like before. “

Iva Bekić, Occupational Therapist
Zagreb, Croatia

The course will be extremely valuable for experienced therapists who may feel they are in a ‘routine’ in their work: MAES Therapy Course - Croatia 2014

“This course was taught at an advanced level and the theory successfully related to the practical sessions and the other way round.

I really liked the content of the course and the way it all came together in the workshops and the explanations and guidance given by Jean-Pierre was excellent.

The course will be extremely valuable for experienced therapists who may feel they are in a ‘routine’ in their work. After this course, you will be inspired and trained to approach your treatment in a new and dynamic way.

It was a privilege to take this course. I highly recommend it to all paediatric therapists who work with children with Cerebral Palsy.”

Zorana Klarić, Physiotherapist Bobath Therapist
Zagreb, Croatia

[:en]Very up to date with Modern Neuroscience: MAES Therapy - Course Croatia 2014[:]

[:en]”I have found the MAES THERAPY Course to be very helpful and was thrilled by the way that it encompasses the principles of embodiment (embodied cognition) and principles of learning, which are both very up to date with modern neuroscience.

I hope that the enthusiasm and the knowledge of MAES Therapy will spread.
I would highly recommend this course.”[:it]

Tina Bregant MD, PhD, Paediatrician
Ljubljana, Slovenia

I would recommend this course to all therapists: MAES THERAPY Course - Croatia 2014

The MAES Therapy approach is very different and interesting – allowing the child time, space and opportunity to reorganise their way of learning. It is communicating with our hands and allowing the child time to understand and learn a new range of movement and function.

When you analyse and diagnose so well, you can move to treatment more effectively and gain results more quickly.

Supported with sound theory, this is an approach that improves my clinical skills and I can use practically.”

Mihaela Grubišić, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist; Head of Department Sensory Integration Therapy,
Special Hospital for Children with neurodevelopmental and motor disorders, Zagreb, Croatia

This course has inspired me a lot, it has changed the way I approach the patient: MAES THERAPY Course - Croatia 2014

“As a young therapist, this course has inspired me a lot, it has changed the way I approach the patient, the way I analyse and this has affected my work in a very positive way.

MAES Therapy gives you the ‘tools’ to work with children with Cerebral Palsy and if you use it well, there are no limitations in your treatment. The knowledge I gained during the course changed the way I look at the child; I am now able to notice things I have not been aware of before and therefore my approach to every child is different and adjusted to each child’s particular needs.  The result of this approach is much better therapy with much better progress and in the end that is my goal – to help my patients and make progress that can be seen in their everyday life.

I am enthusiastic about new treatment ideas and how it reflects on my patients, so thank you Jean-Pierre Maes for being such a good teacher with the ability to pass your extraordinary knowledge to us! ”

Lucija Damjanovic, Physiotherapist
Zagreb, Croatia

This is a beginning of my learning :MAES THERAPY Course - Croatia 2014

” It’s amazing to see how Jean-Pierre works with children. He gives them exactly what they need.

My work will change, because I’ll now be more creative and not ‘treat’ all children in the same way.

Many thanks, I spent 4 weeks with you and you have given me the skills. I have learnt a lot, but this is not the end, this is a beginning of my learning.”

Marta Božic,  Physiotherapist