
Another ‘In-Service’ Training for an NHS Trust provided by M.A.E.S. Therapy MAES Therapy Introduction Course, for Evalina Childrens Hospital London November 2021

During 8th & 9th November, Physiotherapists from Evelina London Children’s Services, came together for an introduction to M.A.E.S. Therapy:-  ‘A better understanding of Children with CP and similar neurodevelopmental conditions and principles to improve their coordination’.

It was a lively and interactive course with a limited number of participants which allowed for a more personal learning experience, with a great mix of theory and treatment videos, leaving them inspired and wanting to learn more!

Following the course, participants considered what practical steps could be taken in their NHS Trust to improve treatment based on the M.A.E.S. Therapy Approach/Principles in the short-term, medium-term and long-term.

We are pleased to be working with Evelina London Community Children’s Services, part of Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, who join a list of over 16 NHS Trusts around the country that have invited M.A.E.S. Therapy to provide highly specialised ‘In-Service’ training for their therapists to increase their knowledge about treating children with CP. 

Evelina London Children’s Hospital is a specialist NHS hospital in London. It is administratively a part of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and provides teaching hospital facilities for London South Bank University and King’s College London School of Medicine.  https://www.evelinalondon.nhs.uk/Home.aspx

Here are a few comments from therapists who attended:

“This is a fantastic course as an introduction to the complexity and benefits of the MAES approach and I would encourage others to learn more”

“It has changed my understanding of CP and approach, by really targeting specifically each child, as opposed to treating a scan/condition”.

“It has made me think more about the brain lesion as opposed to just the symptoms. It has made me think more about children that are at a plateau and if the task is too challenging.”

“This training is a hugely valuable opportunity, and it will change the way you think. I found it exceptionally valuable to do it as part of the team we work with as it was good to discuss along the way how we worked as a team and how we could implement it into our treatment approach. I felt this helped to maximise more the benefits of the course.”

“The course content and depth of knowledge of Jean-Pierre is amazing”

“It has made me think very differently about my treatment approach to CP. Especially the idea of not necessarily practicing the same task but taking things backwards in order to improve tasks forwards. But also the idea that sometimes it is OK to look ahead in order to improve the more basic skills such as looking to work on asymmetry to work on symmetry. The vast range of ideas discussed has improved my toolbox of ideas to implement into practice.”

“I was expecting MAES Therapy to be similar to Bobath. However, it was really nice to get a completely different approach and way of thinking that I can implement into my treatment sessions”

Course Title:
 ‘A better understanding of Children with CP and similar neurodevelopmental conditions and principles to improve their coordination’

Course Leader:

Jean-Pierre Maes MCSP
Consultant Neurodevelopmental Physiotherapist
Director, MAES Therapy International

For more information about future courses, see:

