[:en]M.A.E.S (Movement Analysis Education Strategies) Framework.
‘Considering the difficulties of children and adults with cerebral palsy from a different perspective.  Can we change the prognosis?  A different outlook from the beginning for a different outcome at the end.’  

This e-Poster was presented at the 32nd  European Academy of Childhood Disability Annual Meeting 2020;  accessed 25 November 2020 https://www.eacd2020.org/Konferencja-32nd-European-Academy-Of-Childhood-EACD2020-POSTERS-HALL,792,12299.html

Manuscript number EACD20-00345-2019-01MAES Therapy e-Poster published at the 32nd EACD -European Academy of Childhood Disability Annual Meeting 2020





Official Reference:

Barton, E., Maes, J-P. (2020). M.A.E.S (Movement Analysis Education Strategies) Framework. Considering the difficulties of children and adults with cerebral palsy from a different perspective. Can we change the prognosis? A different outlook from the beginning for a different outcome at the end.  This e-Poster was presented at the 32nd  European Academy of Childhood Disability Annual Meeting 2020; accessed 25 November 2020, https://www.eacd2020.org/Konferencja-32nd-European-Academy-Of-Childhood-EACD2020-POSTERS-HALL,792,12299.html
