Larissa, Greece May 2016 – 2-Day MAES Therapy Introduction Course

30 experienced Physiotherapists were introduced to this new and different dimension to the treatment and management of children with Cerebral Palsy and similar neuro-developmental conditions, which is based on 25 years expert treatment and teaching.

The full programme included theoretical lectures, video analysis and live treatment demonstrations.
The Therapists were very interested and pleased to learn about this new and different approach to treatment. It’s effective for both PTs and OTs who believe in, or are open to an ‘holistic’ approach to therapy for the child.

This 2-Day Course, was held at the excellent ANIMUS Recovery and Rehabilitation Centre, Larissa, Greece

Course Leader:
Jean-Pierre Maes MCSP, Director MAES Therapy

Our grateful thanks to Local Organiser: Konstantinos Chandolias PT, NDT, Msc

Larissa, Greece May 2016 – 2-Day MAES Therapy Introduction Course