
For a Better Understanding of the needs of Children with Cerebral Palsy and similar Neurodevelopmental Conditions  –

A series of 4 Talks for Parents during 2022

North London

24 March   Thursday Evening 7.00pm – 8.30pm
Talk 1  General Introduction
Find out about how MAES Therapy can help babies and children with Cerebral Palsy.
A friendly and informal presentation for the interest of parents and family members

26 May   Thursday Evening 7.00pm – 8.30pm
Talk 2 Children with Dyskinesia / HIE
Find out about MAES Therapy for babies and children with Cerebral Palsy due to a lesion of the basal ganglia (HIE / Dyskinetic).

4 October   Tuesday Evening  (To be confirmed)
Talk 3   CP associated with severe prematurity
Find out about MAES Therapy for babies and children with Cerebral Palsy due to prematurity and a lesion/anomaly of the white matter (PVL Periventricular leukomalacia)

22 November   Tuesday Evening (To be confirmed)
Talk 4   Children with Ataxia
Find out about MAES Therapy for babies and children with Cerebral Palsy due to a lesion/anomaly of the cerebellum (Ataxia)

Venue:          Finchley Golf Club, Mill Hill East, London  NW7 1PU 

No Fee           No charge.  but you need to register with us in advance.
                          Places are limited and therefore ‘first come, first served’.

More information and reserve a place:    E:   jsalsbury@maestherapy.com

Speaker:      Jean-Pierre Maes  MCSP, Consultant Neurodevelopmental Physiotherapist,
Director M.A.E.S. Therapy International,  London 

Jean-Pierre Maes is an expert in the field of Babies and Children with Cerebral Palsy.  Renowned internationally for his excellent clinical skills, he has over 30 years’ experience of leading courses related to babies and children with CP and similar movement disorders. He is treating and teaching worldwide, giving him unparalleled experience and insight into neuro-paediatrics.

Gain new insight and understanding about children with CP

M.A.E.S. Therapy is a unique, dynamic and holistic approach which allows for a very specific, individualised approach to therapy. Each child has individual needs, skills, limitations and possibilities and therefore needs a very individual treatment. Rather than just treat the visible symptoms, M.A.E.S. makes you look at it from the perspective of the child and explains why the child moves as he does.

MAES Therapy explores and builds on our current understanding of children with CP.

It utilises specific highly skilled handling techniques, guiding movement, cognition and play in order to take the child on a new path of learning new skills and maximising potential.

Jean-Pierre will present and analyse videos and introduce the M.A.E.S. Therapy Framework  and explains therapeutic principles to parents.

Information Evenings for Parents of Children with CP - London 2022
