All the Team at MAES THERAPY International wish everyone involved with World Physiotherapy Day 2017 all the very best.
An initiative of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) – World Physical Therapy Day falls on 8th September every year and is an opportunity for physical therapists from all over the world to raise awareness about the crucial contribution our profession makes to keeping people well, mobile and independent.
What is Physical Therapy?
Physical therapists have different titles in different countries: in many countries they are called physiotherapists. Some countries have their own version of the word physical therapist, such as kinesiologist. They are all part of the same profession.
Physical therapists provide services that develop, maintain and restore people’s maximum movement and functional ability. They can help people at any stage of life, when movement and function are threatened by disorders, conditions, ageing, injury, diseases or environmental factors.
Physical therapists help people maximise their quality of life, looking at physical, psychological, emotional and social wellbeing. They work in the health spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment/intervention, habilitation and rehabilitation.
World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT)[:]