Event Details

MAES Therapy – Movement Analysis & Education Strategies Course for children

with Cerebral Palsy and similar neurological conditions


Course Dates:  Part-Two 24 March – 5 April 2014  (Part-One 13-24 January 2014)

A MAES Therapy course is planned for experienced therapists in the field of Cerebral Palsy and similar neurological Conditions. This course is open to Non-Bobath and Bobath Therapists.

Venue: Dom Mali, Zagreb, Croatia

Course Leader: Jean-Pierre Maes MSCP

The Aims of this course are:

  • Increase understanding of the key reasons for functional limitations, based upon an in-depth analysis of the neurodevelopmental movement disorders seen in clients with Cerebral Palsy and similar neuromotor conditions.
  • For therapists to develop high-level clinical reasoning skills to guide their approach and provide each client with specific sensory-motor experiences to make best use of their own potential for improvement.
  • Expand creative thinking and develop a wider repertoire of treatment strategies and skills, which can then be applied more confidently in a range of situations, to provide a bespoke expert ‘hands-on’ treatment for each client with Cerebral Palsy or similar neurological condition.


The Local Course Organiser is:

Croatian Association of Occupational Therapists

Hrvatska Udruga Radnih Terapeuta  (HURT)


The Local Contact at HURT is:  Iva Bekić    E:   udruga@hurt.hr

Website:   http://www.hurt.hr/events/148-maes-therapy-course