Event Details

MAES Course – Zagreb 2018

MAES Course:   Movement Analysis & Education Strategies

A specialist course for Paediatric Therapists who want to gain new insights, increased knowledge and develop their clinical reasoning and treatment skills in relation to children with Cerebral Palsy and similar neurodevelopmental conditions.

A new and pioneering approach based upon 25 years’ expert clinical and teaching experience world-wide and focusing on excellent treatment skills.

  • Learn to treat dynamically
  • Develop creative thinking
  • Gain new ways to inform and guide parents
  • Acquire new observation and analytical skills
  • Develop an extensive repertoire of new treatment strategies

Unique of its kind, this course has a strong emphasis on high-level observation, analysis and clinical skills. There is an unusually high level of supervised practical sessions (almost 50% of time), with a wide variety of case presentations, giving depth and breadth to the learning experience. The course is specially designed to give participants time to translate theory into clinical practice and become expert in handling and managing their clients with neuro-developmental conditions. 

Become an Expert:  Following successful completion of this course, therapists will be able to provide an expert, individualised ‘hands-on’ treatment to promote the development of skills in terms of mobility, hand function, constructive play, interaction and communication, for each child with Cerebral Palsy.

Dates :

             Part 1:    5 – 16 March 2018     

             Part 2:    16 – 27 April 2018

4-Week ( 20 Days) Postgraduate course, in two parts of two weeks.

The period between Parts 1 and 2 is to ensure participants put into practice and consolidate the knowledge and skills gained in Part 1, before returning for Part 2.


Venue:      Mali Dom, Dnevni centar za rehabilitaciju djece i mladeži

(Care Center for Rehabilitation of Children and Young Adults),   Zagreb

“I would recommend this MAES Therapy Course to all therapists.”

Mihaela Grubišić,  Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist

Head of Department Sensory Integration Therapy, 

Special Hospital for Children with neurodevelopmental and motor disorders.  

Zagreb, Croatia


Course Participants:   up to 16 max. only

Course Fee:

Early Bird:  €2,100    Regular / Late Registration:  € 2,500

First come first served and a non-refundable deposit of €500   secures your place.

Early Bird Ends  5 January 2018

Late Registration full amount is due by 10 Feb.2018

5% Discount per person for any two or more work colleagues that register together.

Course Lead by  Jean-Pierre Maes  and   MAES Team Croatia:

Jean-Pierre Maes MCSP,  Consultant Neuro-developmental Physiotherapist – Director MAES Therapy International

Jean-Pierre is an expert in the field of Cerebral Palsy and similar neuro-developmental conditions, with over 25 years’ experience of treating babies, children and adults. He is renowned internationally for both his excellent clinical skills and teaching skills, mentoring therapists and leading courses related to a variety of neurodevelopmental conditions.

For over 25 years he has been teaching and treating in different cultures worldwide (over 35 countries), giving him unparalleled experience and insight into neuro-paediatrics and movement disorders.

From 1998 to 2013 he was based at The Bobath Centre (London) as a Consultant Neuro-developmental Physiotherapist,  Senior NDT- Bobath Tutor  and a regular Course Leader, leading a variety of Basic and Advanced courses.

Jean-Pierre has since progressed and developed and has left Bobath-NDT and and now practices and teaches MAES Therapy, a pioneering approach to the treatment and management of Children with Cerebral Palsy and similar neuro-developmental conditions.

Course format:

This certified course is very ‘hands-on’. The format will include theoretical lectures, treatment demonstrations, workshops, case presentations and supervised daily practical sessions with patients during weeks 2, 3 and 4.

Course Participant’s Criteria:

Participants must be experienced Paediatric Therapists (Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists,  Speech Therapists) or medical Doctors (paediatricians, neurologists), with at least two years experience in treating children with Cerebral Palsy and similar neurological conditions. The course will appeal to therapists who are about to take their first postgraduate course in the field of Cerebral Palsy as well as to very experienced therapists who have already taken several specialist courses (e.g. Conductive Education, Vojta, NDT-Bobath, Sensory Integration, Halliwick, etc.).


For further information and to apply, contact:

Local Organisers:

Therapists:   Marija Maras, Marija Juko, Jasminka Gagula 

E:  maesterapija@gmail.com

Course Aims:

This course aims to:

  • Provide a ‘Framework’ for an effective assessment and better understanding of the challenges and needs of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and similar neurodevelopmental conditions
  • Gain expertise in analysis of coordination and effective and structured clinical reasoning skills.
  • Analyse Tasks in term of fine and gross motor, sensory, perceptual, biomechanical and cognitive components.
  • Relate the quality of execution of given tasks to the specific skills that the child has been able to develop and use to accomplish these tasks.
  • Predict motor behaviour (prognosis) based upon an in-depth analysis of typical presentations associated to spastic hypertonia, dyskinetic CP, ataxia, hypotonia and CP associated with preterm birth.
  • Understand the short and long-term consequences for the child to engage in complex activities, when the skills available are missing and consequently for therapists to establish priorities and short and long-term treatment plans to change the child’s natural course of development.
  • Develop high-level problem-solving skills to provide each child with specific sensory-motor experiences to make best use of their own potential for improvement.
  • Prioritise and identify which specific skills a child is missing and that need to be promoted and at the same time discouraging the compensatory strategies this child is over-relying upon and which prevents the development of more advanced skills.
  • Expand creative thinking and develop an extensive repertoire of treatment strategies and skills, which can then be applied more confidently in a range of situations to enable the child to learn new ways that he would have difficulty or not be able to develop on his own.
  • Effectively inform and guide parents during treatment sessions, including the use of toys for play and advise them how to best interact with their child during activities of daily living in a home environment.


A few comments from Therapists who have already successfully completed the 4-Week MAES Course:

“I am NDT- Bobath trained and was looking for a course to ‘fill in the gaps’ that NDT doesn’t cover and to enable me to better treat the most complex children on my caseload; this course did this brilliantly. The course was excellent and I would highly recommend it to any therapist who is committed to developing their practice to the highest level.  

Davis, Senior Physiotherapist,  NDT-Bobath Therapist,  London, UK

“I was hoping to learn new strategies and it has given me that and more!  MAES has helped me to understand the ‘things’ I saw and had no explanation for.  The MAES Therapy Approach and Framework is amazing and definitely how I will work in the future with all my patients. I think it makes our treatment much more specific and long lasting!  I really think that it is very useful and includes OT more than any other course I have ever attended. 

MAES Therapy is very holistic and as an OT I will be able to integrate everything.”

Marli Smit,  Occupational Therapist

“The MAES Course was excellent. I will go back home and I will be able to understand all my neuro patients better and I will plan my treatment sessions more effectively. The MAES Therapy Approach and Framework helps you to analyse movement disorders in terms of skills and tasks and to effectively combine motor, sensory and cognition during therapy sessions.”

Beth Campos, Speech & Language Therapist,  Bobath-NDT Tutor

The MAES Course has completely changed how I understand the different difficulties of Cerebral Palsy. It has explained the aspects that could not be explained by other concepts before. It has filled in the ‘gaps’.

I now realise that there is a completely different way of looking at approaching children with CP. MAES allows you to take each individual child further in their abilities than any other approach I’m familiar with. 

This is a course for all three professions (PT,OT,SLT) and all three will come away with completely new skills and perception of CP. Thank you JP for pioneering this approach, so that we can have a bigger impact on children with CP.

Anel van der Merwe, MCSP  Clinical Specialist Paediatric Physiotherapist

My understanding and approach to children with CP has changed for the better.  Rather than seeing specific problems with, for example, muscles, movements, ‘spasticity’,  I now have a better understanding of these as ‘symptoms’ and that therapy focus needs to be on the fact that the brain is the problem and therefore understanding how this affects the child and their movements is essential.

I would highly recommend this course to all of my colleagues, including OTs.

This course will be a complete turn around point in any therapist’s career, whether they are very experienced or more recently starting to work with children with CP. It makes you think and understand CP from the brain rather than looking at symptoms of only and as a therapist you’ll be up to progress your Child’s potential more.  You will also understand the importance of play and using toys as part of your therapy. It is amazing how much you can learn and change as a therapist in four weeks!

I am very excited to continue working with children with CP following this course.”

Michelle Jordan , Senior Physiotherapist,  Surrey, UK

 “MAES Therapy has given me a completely new outlook and approach.  My analysis skills have grown exponentially. MAES has given me a perspective that not only makes sense, but makes changes where previously I thought you could not make changes.”

Anita Hains, Physiotherapist


“The MAES Course has completely changed my approach to cerebral palsy. I feel I have a better understanding of CP. The explanation of the approach and the use of the analogies was clear and from my experience of CP ‘looking for spasticity’ and it not being there –  the MAES Approach makes sense. I will now be more equipped at treating the whole child and identifying their priorities and now I understand much more about all the factors that contribute to the movement we see and to look further than that.

This course has changed how I understand cerebral palsy, the impact of play and how to use it to complement what I do and how to use my hands to provide an environment in which a child can develop new skills and opportunities to move

MAES  enables you to identify the problem and priority for the child in a holistic way, rather than looking at the physical manifestation you see as the problem.

We saw real differences with children during the course and parents reported a difference at home in transfers and head control. Parents saw a difference and wanted to be involved.

The MAES Course  is THE  course to do.  I really look forward to continuing to develop my skills and share this approach to help therapists provide opportunities for children to learn new skills and reach a higher potential.”

Helen King MCSP  Paediatric Physiotherapist.
