Event Details


MAES ART Course:   Advance – Refresh – Troubleshoot 

1-Week Course for Therapists who have already successfully completed the 4-Week MAES Foundation Course.

Course Dates:    29 May – 2 June 2017   

Length of Course:  1-Week ( 5 Days)


Venue:   Mali Dom,

Dnevni centar za rehabilitaciju djece i mladeži  (Care Center for Rehabilitation of Children and Young Adults)

Baštijanova 1D, 10 000  Zagreb

Zagreb, Capital City of Croatia, Europe


Course Fee:   €650 Euros


MAES Therapy:

A new and pioneering approach to the treatment and management of Children with Cerebral Palsy and similar neurodevelopmental conditions, based upon 25 years’ expert clinical and teaching experience world-wide.


Course Leader:

Jean-Pierre Maes MCSP,  Consultant Neuro-Developmental Physiotherapist

Director MAES Therapy International

Jean-Pierre is an expert in the field of Cerebral Palsy and similar neuro-developmental conditions, with over 25 years’ experience of treating babies, children and adults.

He is renowned internationally for both his excellent clinical skills and teaching skills, mentoring therapists and leading courses related to a variety of neurodevelopmental conditions.

From 1998 to 2013 he was based at The Bobath Centre (London) as a Consultant Neuro-developmental Physiotherapist,  Senior NDT- Bobath Tutor  and a regular Course Leader, leading a variety of Basic and Advanced courses.

He has since moved on  and now teaches the pioneering MAES THERAPY Courses.

For over 25 years he has been teaching and treating in different cultures worldwide (over 35 countries), giving him unparalleled experience and insight into neuro-paediatrics and movement disorders.


Course Format:

The format will include theoretical lectures, treatment demonstrations, workshops, case presentations and practical sessions with patients.



First come, first served.

For further information and for an Application Form,  contact:

Jonathan Salsbury  MIoD  Development Manager, MAES Therapy International

E:   jsalsbury@maestherapy.com


Course Participants:   up to 16 max.

Course Participant’s Criteria:

This course is only open to Therapists who have already successfully completed the 4-Week MAES Therapy Foundation Course.

