Organised with Taiwan Physical Therapy Association (TPTA).
Fully Booked ! 
‘Movement Analysis & Education Strategies for the Treatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy and similar neuro-developmental conditions’
Act on key mechanisms to improve children’s ability to keep learning and progressing, whilst avoiding (or delaying) a ‘plateau’ effect.
Target the brain: improve function of: Basal Ganglia for clients with Dyskinetic CP, White Matter for clients with PVL, Cerebellum for clients with Ataxia, …
Highly practical in nature, this course is designed to expand your repertoire of interventions, structure and develop clinical reasoning and clinical expertise.
A specialist course for Paediatric Therapists (PT,OT,SLT) and medical doctors who want to gain new knowledge and develop their clinical reasoning and treatment skills for children with Cerebral Palsy and similar neurodevelopmental conditions.
Learn to treat dynamically
Develop creative thinking for your treatments
Acquire new observation and analytical skills
Develop an extensive repertoire of new treatment strategies
Gain new ways to inform and guide parents
Length of Course: 4-Week ( 20 Days) Postgraduate course, in two parts of two weeks.
Part 1: Weds. 6 September – Sun. 17 September 2023 Weeks 1 & 2 Online via Zoom
Each Day Online: Taiwan Time: 1.00 pm – 9.00 pm
Part 2: Fri. 29 September – Tues. 10 October 2023 Weeks 3 & 4 Face-to Face
Each Day , Face-to-Face 09.00 am – 5.00 pm
Week 1 Wednesday 6 September – Sunday 10 September 2023
Week 2 Wednesday 13 September – Sunday 17 September 2023
Week 3 Friday 29 September – Tuesday 3 October 2023
Week 4 Friday 6 October – Tuesday 10 October 2023
It is very helpful for Participants’ learning to plan and make arrangements to use the period between Part 1 and Part 2 to try putting into practice the knowledge gained in Part 1, before returning for Part 2.
Venue Part 2 – Face-to-Face
The Pediatric Physiotherapy Dept., National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Department of Physical Therapy and Assistive Technology
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
No. 155, Sec. 2, Linong St., Beitou Dist., Taipei City,Taiwan
Course Fee:
For TPTA member paid before 18 April 2023, the course fee is 110,000 TWD, for non member 115,000 TWD
For TPTA member paid after 19 April 2023, the course fee is 112,500 TWD, for non member 117,500 TWD
Ming-Rong Siao, MAES Trained Therapist
To apply for a place on the course, e-mail to:
TPTA Local Contact for this course:
Ming-Rong Siao, Physiotherapist MAES Trained Therapist
Course Participant’s Criteria:
Participants must be experienced Paediatric Therapists (Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists) or medical Doctors (paediatricians, neurologists), with at least two years’ experience in treating children with Cerebral Palsy and similar neurological conditions.
Course Aims:
This course aims to:
- Provide a ‘Framework’ for an effective assessment and better understanding of the challenges and needs of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and similar neurodevelopmental conditions
- Gain expertise in analysis of coordination and effective and structured clinical reasoning skills.
- Analyse Tasks in term of fine and gross motor, sensory, perceptual, biomechanical and cognitive components.
- Relate the quality of execution of given tasks to the specific skills that the child has been able to develop and use to accomplish these tasks.
- Predict motor behaviour (prognosis) based upon an in-depth analysis of typical presentations associated to spastic hypertonia, dyskinetic CP, ataxia, hypotonia and CP associated with preterm birth.
- Understand the short and long-term consequences for the child to engage in complex activities, when the skills available are missing and consequently for therapists to establish priorities and short and long-term treatment plans to change the child’s natural course of development.
- Develop high-level problem-solving skills to provide each child with specific sensory-motor experiences to make best use of their own potential for improvement.
- Prioritise and identify which specific skills a child is missing and that need to be promoted and at the same time discouraging the compensatory strategies this child is over-relying upon and which prevents the development of more advanced skills.
- Expand creative thinking and develop an extensive repertoire of treatment strategies and skills, which can then be applied more confidently in a range of situations to enable the child to learn new ways that he would have difficulty or not be able to develop on his own.
- Effectively inform and guide parents during treatment sessions, including the use of toys for play and advise them how to best interact with their child during activities of daily living in a home environment.
Development of clinical skills:
Throughout the 4 weeks Therapists will have:
20 x Practical Sessions with 1 child being treated by 2 or 3 therapists.
Therapists generally work in pairs with 1 child at a time and throughout the course they have a variety of children with different presentations of Cerebral Palsy.
20 x Treatment Workshops ( Therapists’ live Case Presentations )
There will be a total of around 20 – 30 different children with Cerebral Palsy to treat during Part 2, allowing a high level of supervised practical sessions, allowing participants to link theory into practice and become expert in analysis and handling.
Course Leader :
Jean-Pierre Maes MCSP Consultant Neuro-Developmental Physiotherapist
Founder & Director MAES Therapy International
Jean-Pierre Maes MCSP
M.A.E.S. Therapy International
Jean-Pierre Maes
APCP – Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists, UK
CSP – Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, UK
EACD – European Academy of Childhood Disability
HCPC – Health and Care Professions Council, UK
IHA – International Halliwick Association
SANDTA – South African Neurodevelopmental Association (Honorary Life Member)
#developmental delay