Easy Dragons Rowing Team & Charity – raced at the Vogalonga in Venice – to raise money to support the work of MAES Therapy
The ‘Vogalonga’ in Venice – is an annual regatta and long distance rowing race of 30 Km through the city of Venice and the lagoons.
The aim of the ‘Easy Dragons’ is to raise money for MAES Therapy to train therapists in developing countries, to increase the knowledge and the clinical expertise and consequently help many children with Cerebral Palsy and their families.
To make a donation, go to the easy Dragons website:
Thank you for your support!
Easy Dragons Rowing Team
& MAES Therapy
June 2017
‘Easy Dragons’ was founded in 2013 as a rowing team of Stanton Williams Architects in London.
They race with a dragon boat, (an Old Chinese boat) with 20 rowers in pairs facing the bow of the boat, one drummer at the bow facing towards the rowers, and one at the helm standing at the rear of the boat.
They are not professional rowers and come from different countries; sometimes in a boat there are even more 16 nationalities!
Easy Dragons is pleased to support the pioneering MAES Therapy Approach and to help train other paediatric therapists in developing countries, to increase their knowledge and clinical expertise and consequently help many children and families.
Please help by making your donation to improve the daily life of many of these children with CP. To make a donation, go to the easy Dragons website:
In 2015 Easy Dragons’ were able to fund the specialist 4-Week postgraduate MAES Course for 3 physiotherapists in Romania and Budapest and that will give start to regular MAES Therapy courses in Hungary.
In 2016 they supported the training of 2 paediatric physiotherapists in India and Haiti, who undertook the highly specialised 4-Week MAES Course.
Any donations received will be used to support this highly specialised training which will help improve the daily life of many children with Cerebral Palsy.[:]