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Bobath-NDT Advanced Movement Analysis and
Treatment Skills Course
Length of Course: 6-Days
Course Participant’s Criteria:
Participants must be Paediatric Bobath Trained Therapists (Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists) or medical Doctors and who have successfully completed an 8-Week Basic Bobath Foundation Course (minimum of 240 hours). These Bobath Therapists should ideally have two years experience in treating children with Cerebral Palsy after the completion of their Bobath Foundation Course.
Course Aims & Objectives
To develop participant’s expertise in clinical reasoning and handling skills when assessing and treating children with cerebral palsy and similar neurological conditions.
By the end of the course, participants should be able to:
- Analyse and problem-solve movement limitations
- Identify main problems, primary patterns, secondary problems and compensatory strategies
- Demonstrate the ability to adapt their handling to the specific needs of the child
- Explain how to adapt handling approach to address the main problems of clients with different classifications/types of cerebral palsy
- Show how to facilitate active responses from the child during specific functional activities or preparations and be able to state why this is essential.
- Demonstrate how to modify the position of the child in relation to gravity, how to modify his base of support and how to change the environment (including using specific material or equipment) to achieve facilitation specific patterns of activity.
- Demonstrate the ability to use the horizontal and vertical analysis of child development as a framework to facilitate the acquisition of functional activities through repetition and practice in different contexts.
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