Jean-Pierre Maes MCSP

Director MAES Therapy International
Consultant Neurodevelopmental Physiotherapist
Course Leader
Halliwick Senior Lecturer
Over the years, Jean-Pierre Maes has been invited to teach in the regions of the world: Europe, Middle East & Africa, Americas and Asia-Pacific.

MAES World map practice locations7

Jean-Pierre MaesJean-Pierre Maes MCSP, Director of MAES Therapy International, is an expert in the field of Cerebral Palsy and similar neurodevelopmental conditions, with over 25 years experience of treating children and adults with movement disorders.

He is renowned internationally for both his excellent clinical skills and teaching skills and leading courses for therapists related to a variety of neurodevelopmental conditions.
He is an experienced consultant physiotherapist with a specific interest in children and babies with Cerebral Palsy and neuro-motor disabilities.

For over 20 years he has been teaching and treating in different cultures, having worked not only in London and Belgium, but also having taught extensively worldwide (in over 35 countries), giving him unparalleled experience and insight into neuro-paediatrics.
Due to demand, he is now concentrating upon teaching new courses with a new curriculum and format – MAES Therapy.

He graduated as a physiotherapist in 1989 in Brussels and early in his career, he specialised in the field of adult and child neurology. He is an international lecturer and also leads MAES Therapy International private practises.

For 7 years from 1991 to 1998 he worked first at the Belgian Bobath Society, then at the Belgium Bobath Centre, Brussels. For the next 15 years from 1998 to 2013 he was based at The Bobath Centre (London) as a Consultant Neurodevelopmental Physiotherapist, Senior Tutor and regular Course Leader. He continued his close relationship with The Bobath Centre, (London) as an occasional Course Leader until 2015.

The vast amount of courses he led between 1998 and 2015 made him one of the most experienced and international NDT-Bobath Senior Tutors, leading and teaching a variety of Basic, Refresher and Advanced Courses about the NDT-Bobath Concept and treatment principles. He was an active member of EBTA (European Bobath Tutor Association) for 20 years, from 1995 until December 2015.

He has since moved on and now practices and teaches the pioneering MAES Therapy Approach for therapists who are specialists in paediatrics and want to specialise or to further specialise in the treatment of children with Cerebral Palsy and similar neuro-developmental conditions and who want to gain increased knowledge and expert clinical skills.

Jean-Pierre is also a Senior Halliwick Lecturer and is internationally recognised for his application of the Halliwick Concept (Hydrotherapy for people with disability) in a recreational and therapeutic context for children with neurological conditions. He is a long-serving member of the Education and Research Committee of the International Halliwick Association (IHA).


Jean-Pierre Maes is a Member of:

APCP – Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists

CSP     – Chartered Society of Physiotherapy UK,

EACD – European Academy of Childhood Disability,

HCPC – Health and Care Professions Council UK,

IHA    – International Halliwick Associatio

SANDTA – South African Neurodevelopmental Therapy Association (Honorary Member)